When you are beyond grateful & you just have to say it.

So….a little under 5 years ago in September 2011, my life was changed forever. A diagnosis of breast cancer, I was terrified, I can’t describe to you the fear and the emotional turmoil, never mind all the treatment and physical scars along with the missing bits of my body. Through the moments I spent alone, in prayer and in thought, I asked God for a favour, I remember pleading with him, negotiating with him. I recall asking him to let me see my youngest sons 16th year so that I could at least see him through his final school years, I just wanted that. Of course I wanted much much more, I wanted to ask if I could live until I was in my 80’s and have lots of money and no further health issues, but when you are the underdog, you have to be humble and not too greedy. On Friday 17th June 2016, my youngest son officially left school, my prayer has been answered and I want to give Him thanks and let Him know I am so humbled by His grace.

So….do I now go back to the table and restart negotiations for the next milestone? No, I don’t think so, I am humbled and grateful, if tomorrow I have to leave, then so be it, it’s OK….well….no….it’s not OK, but its OK if you know what I mean.

The purpose of my post is to publicly honour Christ, in all my good and bad days, he has been my rock, even when I’m removed from him, he is never removed from me. To those of you who may be going through the bullshit of life, whether it be sickness, the loss of a loved one, debt, relationship woes, career decisions,depression, whatever….there are better days ahead….and remember…when you are at your lowest point, there is only one way to go, and that’s back up.


Love, Light & Blessings


About kissmeteet

47, wife, mother of 3 and nanny to 2, Christian. 6 year survivor of stage II Breast Cancer.
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8 Responses to When you are beyond grateful & you just have to say it.

  1. Winsome says:

    My dear sister, Lisa, with God’s help the only way that you were going to go was up; and with his guidance and grace up is where you will stay.
    Love & Peace,
    Your sister, Claire πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’–πŸ™πŸΎ

  2. Matthew says:

    Amen sister. God is great. Hope to speak soon.

  3. Carmel says:

    Amen Lisa. God is good. The power of his love, the love of his son Jesus Christ and the love of the Holy Sprirt are with you sister x

  4. Marcia says:

    Morning Lisa such a touching statement god is good πŸ™πŸ™β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜ xx

  5. Congratulations to your son and to you ❀

  6. Shark says:

    Bless you and your family Lisa. πŸ™πŸΎ

  7. Karlene Sutherland says:

    Very inspiring Speech Lisa Love it I am only looking up from now on MWAH

  8. Joy says:

    Lisa, you have shared your journey and opened up your heart to all who cared. Now we celebrate this milestone with you. It is easy to say trust God, but living it day by day is something else, he has brought you a mighty long way, and he will never leave you or forsake you . Love you girl xx

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